Electric Bill Communications

A powerful force behind your company’s marketing.

Design, Advertising and Illustration


EBC has been telling the story of companies through illustration from day one. Combining training rooted in traditional drawing with an expert mastery of digital tools, EBC creates compelling visuals, illustrations or graphics for any application.

More About Illustration >>>

Design for Print

From the conception of your logo through the development of your advertising and promotions, EBC has the experience and skills to develop your campaign and collateral materials. We will work with your team to produce effective messaging for your products and services.

More about Design for Print >>>

Our Method and Past

Our studio grew up during the advent of digital design and web programming. Developing digital design strategies for startups and small business has been the heart of our experience for almost 30 years. We have the knowledge and experience to bring your identity and brand to life.

More About EBC >>>

Some of our work…

Creating unique identities, compelling sales tools and dynamic visual interfaces for business, since 1989.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

EBC is ready to help you with your project! If you would like to tell us more about your project, try our detailed contact form.

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